Spac Copper Mine
Length (all-day)
Travel distance from Tirana – 90 km
Spac Mine is one of the deepest underground copper mines which was discovered and built by the Russian Soviet State in the 1960s. During the 34 years of production, some 3.1-million-ton ore were mined and processed at an average grade of 0.88% copper.
The mine is currently owned and operated by Turkish investor - Tete Mining and Tunnelling group.
Spac Copper is one of the most productive mines with an active 12 km tunnel and around 3 million tons of recoverable reserves to be mined. TETE Albania plans to mine 3.6 million tons of ore with SPAC Project. At the time when Albania was governed by the Communist party, the mine was operated by the political prisoners. During the tour, delegates will be able to visit Spaç Prison heritage site supported by the World Monuments Watch.
Open 3D tour to Spaç Prison.
Subject to change
08.00 Departure from Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana, Rruga Abdi Toptani 18, Tirana.
09:30 Arrival at Spac Deposit. Introduction to the company. Health & Safety instructions.
10:45 Visit to the underground mine. Presentation of underground drilling, blasting, loading, transportation and filling system installed in 2017.
11:45 Visit to copper flotation and enrichment plant. Presentation of the crushing, milling, multiple stepped flotation and wastes dewatering and storage process.
12:15 Visit to a former Spac Prison
13.00 Lunch at the factory canteen with the mine management
14:00 Departure to Tirana
15:30 Arrival to Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana