Geological and Mining Association of Serbia (GRAS)

Geological and Mining Association of Serbia (GRAS) is a business association of geological and mining companies, Junior mining companies, active mines and consultants in the mining sector in Serbia.

GRAS represents most of the active foreign companies in the mining sector in Serbia.

Since founding, GRAS has had a proactive role in drafting mining law and rulebooks, with the final outcome of the adoption of current mining law with the security of tenure defined for the first time in Serbian mining history.

GRAS activities are related to:

Organizing educative courses for the members
Active participation in all important mining conferences in the region
Support of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MINERAL RESOURCES IN SERBIA, biggest mining conference in Serbia
Partnering in the organization of MINEX FORUM EUROPE – 2nd EUROPEAN MINING & EXPLORATION FORUM
GRAS is a member of EUROMINES.