ICC Albania

ICC Albania acts as the Albanian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which is the world’s largest business organization representing more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries.

ICC’s core mission is to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.
Through a unique mix of advocacy, solutions and standard setting, ICC promotes international trade, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation, in addition to providing market-leading dispute resolution services. As part of its global network, ICC Albania engages in communicating ICC’s views on business climate, international trade and investments and sustainability to government and business organizations across Albania

What does ICC Albania do?

ICC Albania works hand-in-hand with its network of businesses and experts in policy advocacy and dialogue, strengthening capacities of young professionals and introducing to the local market international practises and tools.

ICC Albania works closely with local private and public sector stakeholders in providing expertise to ICC Global work in:
● Drafting sound and workable public policies;
● Establishing common rules and self-regulatory standards for cross-border commerce;
● Enabling effective implementation of policy reforms;
● Building consensus in support of new industry norms.

ICC Albania leverages business insights through 3 Policy Commissions and associated working groups, supplementing expertise with special initiatives, partnerships and, where needed, research to enable a rapid response to emerging policy challenges and opportunities, supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.

The three thematic priorities that define most of our public policy engagement and activities throughout the year are:
1. International Trade, Finance & Investment
2. Arbitration & ADR
3. Sustainable Development and Integrity