Luca De Lorenzo


Senior Director, Head of Sustainability
Nordic Investment Bank

Luca has over 15 years of experience in the energy sector and sustainable finance, and is currently heading the sustainability team at the Nordic Investment Bank. The unit is responsible for assessing all loan transactions for their potential productivity gains and environmental benefits, the two pillars of NIB’s mandate. Luca ensures that sustainability and mandate are at the core of the banks operations. Previously to NIB, Luca has worked at the Stockholm Environment Institute, where he has founded the Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre with the aim to promote research and innovation in green finance and has worked with corporate clients on business strategy and sustainability while at The Boston Consulting Group.

Session 6
06 July 2022 / 11:30 - 13:00 | Queen Geraldine

Accelerating ESG financing and de-risking investment in the European mining projects