- A
- Cemil Acar
- Elena Amirkhanova
- B
- Andrew Bamber
- Ilir Bejtja
- Hanno Bertignoll
- Chris Bray
- Tim Buisseret
- Mark Burnett
- Glen Burridge
- Adrian Bylyku
- C
- Dina Carrilho
- Paul Cronin
- D
- James Davey
- Luca De Lorenzo
- Mentor Demi
- E
- Richard Elmer
- F
- Graham Farrer
- Fabrice Fayola
- G
- Dashamir Gega
- Arif Umutcan Gelisen
- Dr. Edmond Goskolli
- H
- Florensa Haxhi
- K
- Axel Kalinowski
- Vera Keljanovic
- Bilal Koçi
- Duško Krsmanović
- L
- James Lea-Cox
- Anthony Lund
- Shteryo Lyomov
- M
- Robert Mantse
- Yerko Martinez
- Alexander Mikhailov
- Dragan Milosevic
- Ibrahim Milushi
- O
- Richard Oldcorn
- P
- Iain Pickard
- Dr. Wolfhart Pohl
- Thomas Pratelli
- Alexander Prikhodko
- R
- Michael Rada
- Duska Rokavec
- S
- Dragana Savić
- Sir Richard Shirreff
- Artyom Sitnikov
- Ekaterina Solovova
- T
- Ivica Talevski
- Jason Tatman
- Kreshnik Thaci
- Rrapush Tola
- Robert Tomas
- V
- Martin Vickers
- W
- James Williams
- Ç
- Florent Çiçe
Vera Keljanovic 
Director of the Directorate for Mining, Geology and Hydrocarbons
Ministry of Capital Investments of Montenegro
Duško Krsmanović
Head of UK Export Finance for the Western Balkans and Central and Eastern Europe
UK Export Finance
James Lea-Cox 
Senior Environmental and Sustainability Advisor
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Ibrahim Milushi
Head of the Department of Geology, Prof. Dr.
Institute of geosciences, Polytechnic University of Tirana