Cemil Acar


Deputy General Manager

Mr. Acar has more than 15 years of experience in the mining & metals industry and strong academic and scientific background. Skilled in Process Design & Simulation, and a variety of extractive metallurgical processes.

After his previous career in mining, academy, and consultancy in minerals and HSE fields for several years, in May 2015, he joined Yilmaden Holding as a Senior Manager responsible for Mining and Metals production. For nearly 7 years he has been holding different positions at the Holding, serving recently as a Global Director of Mineral Processing, R&D, and Quality. Previously, he had been managing ferrovanadium production in BMC-US.

Mr. Acar has a Ph.D. degree from Middle East Technical University and the University of Utah. He has various international publications and patents in minerals science. Currently, he is working as The Deputy General Manager of Albchrome in Albania.

Session 4
05 July 2022 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Queen Geraldine

Albchrome. The leading mining company in Albania

AlbChrome is a leading company in the region in the mining industry, the largest chrome ore and ferrochrome producer in Albania. It has been recently acquired by Yilmaden Holding, mining and metals division of Yildirim Group, which is the global conglomerate with more than 19.000 employee and presence at 53 countries in the world. Albchrome has the production of high quality HC FeCr in 2 plants in Elbasan and in Burrel, mostly utilizing its own chrome ore resource from Bulqiza Mine, the biggest chrome mine in Albania. It employs more than 1000 people with the vision of contrubuting the economy by efficiently and responsibly utilizing the mineral wealth of the Balkans and Europe. Albchrome's mission is sustainably growing in mineral and metal business within Europe by fully intergating to natural resources.