Dr. James Davey


Resource Geology Consultant
SRK Consulting (UK)

Dr. James Davey is a Resource Geology Consultant who specialises in 3D geological modelling, resource estimation and the geochemistry of hydrothermal ore-forming systems. James has eight years of academic and industry-focused experience, working on a range of deposit styles including sediment-hosted Cu-Co-(Ag-Pb-Zn), layered ultramafic PGE, orogenic Au and industrial minerals. James has completed Mineral Resource estimates and due diligence studies for a range of commodities and deposit styles including gold, copper, lead-zinc, iron, phosphate and other industrial minerals.

Session 5
06 July 2022 / 09:30 - 11:00 | Queen Geraldine

Unlocking Value in Historical Mine Tailings: Mineral Resource Assessments

The total quantity of waste rock from processed mineral ore deposited in mine tailings storage facilities (TSF) around the World has been estimated at over 200 billion tonnes (Global Tailings Review and Visual Capitalist). With improvements in processing technologies, higher mineral recoveries and increased commodity prices, some of this material has the potential to be reprocessed to recover various metals, many of which have seen significant increases in demand since the material was first mined (e.g. cobalt). In addition to the economic benefits of recovering metals, reprocessing tailings material has the potential for environmental and social benefits. For example, through improvements in acid mine drainage (AMD) management (e.g. Barrick’s Golden Sunlight Mine, Montana); community safety through reduction of material stored in TSF; lower greenhouse gas emissions through reduced comminution requirements, and previously considered waste material being turned into saleable products (e.g. paint production from ochre in UK coal tips). This presentation provides a brief overview of some of the potential benefits to reprocessing tailings material, with a focus on the process of developing and reporting Mineral Resources in accordance with international resource reporting codes, such as JORC, PERC and CIM.