Duska Rokavec
Senior Economic Geologist
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Dr. Duška Rokavec (Ms), senior economic geologist at the Geological Survey of Slovenia, being on the head of “The mineral resources and environmental geochemistry Department” for 20 years (2000-2020). She has 34 years of experience as an expert for the evaluation and assessment of non-metal mineral deposits, economic geology with the classification of mineral reserves and resources, mineral surface extraction, spatial planning of mining areas etc. She is qualified as a court expert for mineral deposits and surface mining and she has gained the designation of European Engineer. She is also qualified and authorised according to the Mining law for independent mining/Geol. project leader. She is President of the National Committee for Mineral reserves classification since 2015. She was the coordinator of two recent EU-funded projects (MineService and Reseerve).
West Balkan mineral register
The RESEERVE project was a EIT Raw Material project mapping the mineral resources of the six ESEE countries: Albania, BIH, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia, which, before the project, were not included in the existing data platforms. The main outcome was the WEST BALKAN MINERAL REGISTER of primary and secondary raw materials, the starting point to integrate the region in pan- European Mineral Intelligence Network and bring it closer to the global mineral market . 473 mineral deposits and almost 1500 mining and metalurgical waste sites are included into Register. The sufficient flow of information on mineral resources is beeing ensured for industry and new investments in the region The RESEERVE project represented the a step forward in establishing a fruitful cooperation between ESEE countries . The geographical coverage of European Minerals Inventory became extended with data from the West Balkan countries. The activities of the RESEERVE project were in line with all three pillars of “Raw Materials Initiative – meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe (Brussels, COM (2008/699)”. The objectives of the project was also aligned with the “Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative on Resource Efficiency” and the “Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe”, as well as with the “INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/ EC) – establishing an infrastructure for spatial information”.