Dr. Edmond Goskolli


CEO Adviser for mines
National Agency on Natural Resources of Albania

Prof Assoc. Dr. Edmond Goskolli is a Mining Engineer by degree graduated from the Faculty of Geology and Mining at the Polytechnic University of Tirana in 1985. From this year on wards, he has always been involved in numerous professional and academic activities. He has over 37 years of experience in the field of mining and more than 26 years of experience in the academic field. He has held the Scientific degree Doctor (PhD) of Science from 29.03.1996 and Prof Assoc since 2001. He is a member of the Balkan Academy of Mining Science with an active permanent presence by different presentations in all Balkan Mining Congresses. In addition, he holds diplomas from: “Diploma of Specialized Mining Management Training "awarded by the National Superior School of Mining of Paris, France on 21.04.1997 “Diploma of Engineer expert in Mining Technics" awarded by Nancy France School of Mining “Center for the Superior Studies of Mining Technics (CESTEMIN), 23.06 .199 the of Lorein National Polytechnic Institute, France (INPL). He has been a team leader and team member in the drafting of more than 160 Feasibility Studies of various ore deposits such as Copper, Chrome, Gypsum, Laterites, Saprolites, Coal, Natural Bitiumen, Clay, quarry, 6 monographs and more than 20 scientific and professional papers..

Session 4
05 July 2022 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Queen Geraldine

Mining industry in Albania and its sustainable development

The main Mining activity in Albania in metallic deposits is focused in the chromium, copper, iron-nickel and nickel-silicate ores production. Mineral processing in the country is applied mainly for chromium and the copper . One important quantity of chromium ore, usually, go to be smelted for the ferrochromium production . Iron-nickel and nickel-silicate (saprolite) are exported to Kosovo and Northern Macedonia for ferronickel production Mining activity for non-metallic minerals is extended of the exploitation of 12 types of minerals (grouped): group non-metallic minerals, coal, bitumen and group of building materials as well. The presentation will give a complete overview of the current state of mining activity in Albania, the state of reserves, the number of companies operating as well as the perspective of the mining industry in the future, taking into account the opportunities for new investments to ensure its sustainable development .